

Software Engineer | Orange Labs Egypt | Jan 2019 – Current

  • Develop, upgrade, and maintain applications using Java(Spring) and JavaScript (NodeJs).
  • Maintain and upgrade Front-end application using React.js.
  • Integrate applications using messaging with RabbitMQ.
  • Languages & Technologies We have used:
    • Java, Spring[mvc-data-boot-statemachine], Hibernate, Apache Camel.
    • JavaScript, React.js, Redux, Redux-Saga, Axios
    • NodeJs, Joy, Sequelize.js ORM, Express.js
    • GIT, MYSQL, MongoDB, RabbitMQ
  • Write BDD Integration Tests using Cucmber
  • Deploy applications in
    • CloudFoundry Using Gitlab CI/CD for automation.
    • Openshift Using Docker, Kubernetes, Helm.
  • Daily use of agile development methodologies.
  • Tools used: Jira, Slack, MySQL Workbench, MongoDB compass.
Key achievement:
  • Participating in Convert POC product launched into production in more than 15 countries.

Software Engineer | IBOX Technology | September 2018 – December 2018

  • Develop a customized ERP Systems based on OPENBRAVO Platform using Java and Hibernate.
  • Train the client's company workers how to use the system.


  • Java
    • Back-End:
      • Spring[MVC-Data-Boot], Apache Camel, Hibernate, Maven/Gradle
    • Testing:
      • BDD using Cucmber, Junit, Mockito
  • JavaScript
    • Front-End:
      • React, React Hooks, Redux, Redux-Saga
    • Back-End:
      • NodeJS, Express.js, Axios.js, Sequelize.js
    • Testing:
      • Jest.js
      • Nock.js
  • PostgreSQL
  • MongoDB
Messaging & Caching
  • RabbitMQ
  • Redis
  • GIT
  • CI/CD (GitLab)
  • Swagger
  • Cloud Foundry
  • Sonar
  • Prometheus
  • IntelliJ IDEA
  • VSCode
  • Jira
  • Slack
  • MySQL workbench
  • MongoDB Compass
  • GitKraken


${Soft Skills}